Why You Should Consider Solo Travel

When I was 19 years old, I traveled solo for the first time. I bought a plane ticket to Budapest. Why Budapest? Well, at 20 euros round trip it was the cheapest flight available. For the first time on this journey I had the freedom to do whatever I wanted. I was surrounded by opportunities to experience the world the way I wanted. So many paths to follow. I had so much freedom that I didn’t even know what to do with this freedom. I also had concerns. I was afraid of being alone on this journey. But in the end it was the fear that drove me. I knew that I had to take the first step myself in order to experience things. That I had to step out of my comfort zone.

It was a journey that ended up changing me a lot.

I have listed five things why you should consider solo travel.

1. Break out of the comfort zone

Getting on a plane or train for the first time can be daunting. But this is the first step to breaking out of the comfort zone. Once you take that step, there is no turning back. And that should be the goal. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a skill that must be learned. This first step makes it easier to break out of the comfort zone each time. So take that first step and look forward to the adventure.

2. Make acquaintances

During my travels I made so many acquaintances. Friendships and relationships that are still with me to this day. As if these friendships and relationships weren’t beautiful enough in themselves, they will open so many doors in your life. You will have people all over the world who will let you sleep on their couch, take you to parties and events, or even offer you a job. Making acquaintances while traveling means building up a global network. It’s also a way to hone your social skills, which I think are one of the most beneficial skills of all.

3. Seeing the world through the eyes of others

Although we often think we know everything, travel shows us that this couldn’t be further from the truth. But this is normal. Our environment is our truth. So we should surround ourselves with as many different things as we can. Traveling solo almost forces you to make acquaintances. You learn to see and understand the world from different perspectives. You will learn that the truth is often a subliminal gray area. You will learn to be thankful and be inspired by many of the characters you will meet on your journey.

4. Inspiration

As mentioned in the last point, you will meet many people on your journey. These people will inspire you to try more things in your life. But it’s not just the people you will meet on your journey, but also your surroundings, the food, the smells and the noise.

5. Knowing that you are capable of more than you think

Hopefully, after taking a trip alone for the first time, you’ll be happy to come back home, whether it’s your hometown or a place you’ve fallen in love with. You will appreciate the things you normally take for granted. After you get home, you can feel proud that you have embarked on this adventure solo. You’ll find that even though it wasn’t always easy, you overcame your fears and did something you hadn’t done before. You are capable of more than you think. Be proud of yourself and look around for your next adventure. It’s waiting.